Our Shop is stocked with healthy and high in, iron, omega 3, unsaturated fat, grass fed, wild herb meat from our own farm,
(no herbisides, pesticides, growth hormones, chemical tenderisers, water retainers, force fed feed lot, antibotic meat here)
Our animals are free range on the wild and unspoilt uplands of Bodmin Moor and along the picturesque North Cornish coast, our cows and sheep graze on the ancient wild herb and flower rich pastures that have been uncultivated for hundreds - even thousands - of years. Our rare breed cattle and sheep play an essential role in maintaining these habitats in harmony with nature, as they have been doing since records began. Supporting this way of traditional farming is the only way to save the countryside from the government and their supermarkets who are intent on supporting cheap food, feed lots and factory farms.